Monday, May 23, 2011

25 Things About Me

  1. I have my hunter safety’s license
  2. I love to clean and organize
  3. I danced for about seven years
  4. My brother, sister, and I are really close
  5. I have six pets, one is a chinchilla
  6. I love the country and farms
  7. Country is my favorite kind of music
  8. I can be a tom boy at times
  9. I love to tree ski
  10. I like hiking and biking in the woods
  11. I like to fish
  12. I am a vegetarian but I like bacon
  13. Crabs are my favorite food, I can eat a dozen or more crabs
  14. I love to read and draw
  15. I like to write creative stories and plays
  16. My family used to make a play every year during vacation, one play I wrote myself
  17. Math is my favorite subject
  18. My family is really close
  19. I love roller coasters
  20. My family and I travel a lot
  21. I want a pick-up truck when I get my license
  22. I have a weird middle name, Jean
  23. I love road trips
  24. My favorite place is home
  25. I play badminton

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

  1. Campbell Alexander, Lawyer on the case.
  2. He is in his mid 30's.
  3. Lawyer of the case.
  4. He is greedy, self-absorbed, lair.
  5. Sailing in high school.
  6. Lying about what the dog is for.
  7. Anna and Julia.
  8. "It is exactly the kind of case I avoid like the Black Plague--one which requires far too much effort and client baby-sitting." (23)
  9. He ended up working with Julia after not seeing her for 15 years and he has a service dog that no one knows what it is for.