Friday, September 24, 2010

Gathering Info- Notes #1

  Schmid, Pam. "Playing in Pain." Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN). Jan. 15 2006:
          A1+. SIRS Researcher. Web. 19 Sep 2010.

·         Many adults say that overuse injuries are plaguing many teen athletes.
·         Sports injuries are occurring more often to kids as young as the age of 8 or 9.
·         “In 2003, more than3.5 million children younger than 15 required medical treatment for sports injuries, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commissions.”
·         In Minnesota four out of ten families have children that suffered from sports injuries; one-third missed school; one in ten parents cited injury as the reason their child quit a sport.
·          Doctors are saying that most injuries are for doing too much too soon and the repercussions can sometimes be permanent.
·         Some kids are pressured by parents or coaches to start a club sport early and specialize in a single sport.
·         Some 6 and 7 year olds have already chosen to play only one sport; some club and traveling teams overlap one another’s seasons; some club teams are asking kids to cram more games into longer seasons.
·         “Some kids opt to specialize--and resist taking time off--to earn a scholarship. But often it's others who drive the one-sport trend.” 
·         Doctors say that a little ice and rest can cure a nagging overuse injuries but kids, coaches, and parents don’t want to hear it.
·         In Minnesota a survey showed that knee injuries jumped 5.8 among girls and 2.8 among guys in a year.
·         Some ways to prevent injuries are limit practice nights, coaches should treat kids individually, kids should play a variety of sports, and coaches should look for injuries in kids.

1 comment:

  1. Emma,
    Your English blog looks fantastic! The only assignment that is not quite right is the research topic paragraph. You were supposed to read an article on your topic and then create your own paragraph summary and seven key terms on the article. The rest of your posts are thorough and very interesting!
