Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gathering Info- Notes #3

"High School Sports Injuries." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies.
Facts On File News Services, 21 Dec. 2007. Web. 28 Sept. 2010. <http://www.2facts.com/article/i1200680>.
·         Many health experts say that the raising popularity is a good thing but many other critics say that the injury risks faced might outweigh the benefits of playing sports.
·         Critics say the injury rates are too high so high schools aren’t taking enough precautions to keep students safe.
·         “They also note that the 2006 medical study covered just nine varieties of high school sports (there are more than 30 varieties in total) and only certain kinds of reported injuries; therefore, the actual number of injuries suffered by high school athletes is probably much higher than 1.4 million in a given year, they conclude.” (pg. 2)
·         “Concern over serious injuries and medical conditions among high school athletes has fueled a debate about high school sports programs and student safety.” (pg. 2)
·         Critics want schools to take more safety precautions like have qualified athletic trainers and proper medical equipment.
·         Critics also think that some sports like football and wrestling are excessively dangerous and they urge parents to bar their kids from participating in them.
·         On the side people say that sports keep kids healthy and active. They also promote self-confidence, team spirit, and socialization.
·          Many critics say that expose kids to excessive injury but few critics want to abolish school sports completely.
·         Instead of abolishing school sports they want to enforce new sport safety regulations, by law.
·         They also want to tone down high school training regimens and argue with students who had serious injuries too bare from returning to sports.

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